Neighborhood Relief Thrift Store
1500 Elida Rd., Lima, OH 45805 419-999-4483
"Loving our Neighbors"

"Serving Allen County for over 23 years"
"How You Can Help"
A large portion of the merchandise we sell comes from donations by local community members and businesses. We are always in need of clean, useable merchandise. Items commonly donated include, but are not limited to: clothing, shoes, furniture, linens, toys, jewelry, books, records, movies, kitchenware, & misc. household goods. Click here for Donation Tips
Items to assist with daily operations (such as office and cleaning supplies) are always welcomed.
We are always in need of personal hygiene products used to make our "blessing bags" for giveaway to those in need.
Click HERE for a complete list needed.
We also have the resources to recycle many items such as clothing, shoes, books, magazines, catalogs, telephone books,
metal, electronics & more. Visit our "Recycle" page for complete details.
Some individuals or groups donate time and service by acting as volunteers. Contact us to schedule a day.
Click HERE to donate financially
Neighborhood Relief Ministries is a 501c3 organization - feel free to request a tax receipt for your donation.
The most important way you can help us is to Pray for Us !