Neighborhood Relief Thrift Store
1500 Elida Rd., Lima, OH 45805 419-999-4483
"Loving our Neighbors"

"Serving Allen County for over 23 years"
"Recycle with Us"

* Hangers
* Pots & pans
* Tins * Cans
* Small & large appliances
* Appliance cords & wire
* Tools
* Jewelry
* Silverware
* Household items & décor
* Toys
* Christmas lights & stands
* Mattresses & box springs (metal)
* Car parts & license plates
* Misc junk metal
* Adult sizes
* Kids sizes
* Any style & condition
* Must be dry
* Must be paired
* No skates or cleats
* No winter boots
* No high heals
Purses, Wallets & Belts
* Cloth, leather, vinyl or plastic
Cardboard - Paper & Books
* Any style cardboard (must be dry)
* Hardback/Paperback books
* Newspaper
* Magazines
* Catalogs
* Text Books—Phone books
* Misc office & loose paper
Items We Don’t Recycle
* Liquids
* Paint & hazardous materials
* Tires or carpet
* Wet Items * Plastic Bags * Plastic
* Glass * Monochrome Monitors
* Televisions
* Computers (towers & laptops) * DVD/VCR & CD Players * Printers * Telephones * Flat Monitors
* Cameras & Camcorders * Speakers * Stereo Equipment * Scanners- Fax Machines - Copiers * Keyboards & Mice